发布人:孙权  发布时间:2023-04-17   浏览次数:37

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  1. 贵州省科技厅,基础研究,黔科合基础-ZK[2023]一般091,肉源戊糖片球菌LL-07EPS合成机制研究,2023.03  2026.02,在研,主持

  2. 贵州大学引进人才项目,贵大人基合字(202135号,基于不同离子特性多糖-豌豆蛋白乳化液添加的乳化肠品质变化机制研究,2022.01-2024.12,主持

  3. 贵州大学培育项目,贵大培育[2020] 84号,预乳化豌豆蛋白与肌原纤维蛋白互作行为及凝胶化机制的研究,2021.09-2024.09,主持

  4. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目, 32272359,电刺激介导的干腌火腿加工过程中内肽酶、特征蛋白和蛋白质组的差异及品质变化机制的研究, 2023.01- 2026.12,在研,参与

  5. 国家自然科学基金委员会,地区科学基金项目, 32260642,基于心理物理学和动力学的肉类视觉成熟机制研究, 2023.01-2026.12,在研,参与

  6. 贵州省科技厅科技成果转化一般项目,黔科合成果[2022]一般027,电刺激降低红肉风险物质N-羟乙酰神经氨酸技术在羊肉胴体中的研制与示范,2022.4-2024.3,参与

  7. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题(2018YFD0401205),西式培根低盐加工及品质控制技术研发,2018/07–2020/12,参与

  8. 安徽省科技重大专项(17030701026),调理肉制品质量提升关键技术及产业化示范,2017.07-2019.12,参与

  9. 安徽省科技重大专项(18030701168),牛肉制品质量提升技术集成创新与产业化,2018.01-2020.12,参与


 [1] Ying Zhou, Peter Watkins, Sofia Oiseth, Maeva Broch, Anita Sikes, Conggui Chen, Roman Buckow*. High pressure processing improves the sensory quality of sodium-reduced chicken sausage formulated with three anion types of potassium salt. Food Control, 2021, 126:108008.

 [2] Ying Zhou, Yu Wang, Fei Ma, Peijun Li, Baocai Xu*, Conggui Chen*. Compensation of high-pressure processing for the solubility of sodium-reduced chicken breast myosin with three anion types of potassium salts. Poultry Science, 2020, 99: 1717-1723.  

 [3] Ying Zhou, Wu Wang, Fei Ma, Peijun Li*, Conggui Chen*, High-pressure pretreatment to improve the water retention of sodium-reduced frozen chicken breast gels with two organic anion types of potassium salts, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2018, 11: 526-535.  

 [4]  Jing Yao#, Ying Zhou#, Xing Chen, Fei Ma, Pei-jun Li*, Cong-gui Chen*. Effect of sodium alginate with three molecular weight forms on the water holding capacity of chicken breast myosin gel[J]. Food Chemistry, 2018, 239(1),1134-1142.

 [5] Yanpei Huang, Ying Zhou, Yuanyuan Liu, Jing Wan, Ping Hu, Linggao Liu, Mingming Li, Yeling Zhou, Sha Gu, Dan Chen, Bokai Hu, Ke Hu, Qiujin Zhu*. Effects of Tea Branch Liquid Smoke on oxidation and structure of Myofibrillar Protein Derived from Pork Tenderloin during curing. Food Chemistry X, 2023, 17(2):100544

 [6] Yeling Zhou, Ying Zhou, Jing Wan, Qiujin Zhu*, Linggao Liu, Sha Gu, Hongying Li. Effects of sorbitol-mediated curing on the physicochemical properties and bacterial community composition of loin ham during fermentation and ripening stages." Food Chemistry X, 2023, 17.  

 [7]  Dan Chen,  Qiujin Zhu*, Ying Zhou, Jing Wan, Li Deng, Lei Wang, Linggao Liu, Sha Gu, Yanpei Huang, Yeling Zhou, Shenghui Bi. Simulation Study of Xylitol-Mediated Effect on NaCl Diffusion Behavior in Cured Pork Tenderloin. Foods, 2023, 12(7):1451.

 [8] Xiang Ye, Chun Ye, Ying Zhou,  Yuanyuan Liu, Jing Wan,  Linggao Liu, Kuan Lu, Shenghui Bi, Guohua Jie, Qiujin Zhu*.  Systematic studies on improving structural properties of myofibrillar proteins and pork quality based on electrical stimulation. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2023.

 [9]  Sha Gu, Qiujin Zhu*, Ying Zhou, Jing Wan, Linggao Liu, Yeling Zhou, Dan Chen, Yanpei Huang, Li Chen, Xiaolin Zhong. Effect of Ultrasound Combined with Glycerol-Mediated Low-Sodium Curing on the Quality and Protein Structure of Pork Tenderloin." Foods, 2022, 11(23).

 [10]  Linggao Liu, Ying Zhou, Jing Wan, Qiujin Zhu*, Shenghui Bi, Yeling Zhou, Sha Gu, Dan Chen, Yanpei Huang, Bokai Hu. Mechanism of polyhydroxy alcohol-mediated curing on moisture migration of minced pork tenderloin: On the basis of molecular docking." Food Chem X, 2022, 15: 100401.

 [11] Kuan Lu, Xueya Wang, Jing Wan, Ying Zhou, Hongying Li, Qiujin Zhu*. Correlation and Difference between Core Micro-Organisms and Volatile Compounds of Suan Rou from Six Regions of China. Foods, 2022, 11(17), 2708.

 [12] Tian, Zhiqing, Zhu, Qiujin, Chen, Yuanshan, Zhou, Ying, Hu, Ke, Li, Hongying, Lu, Kuan, Zhou, Jie, Liu, Yuan, Chen, Xi. Studies on flavor compounds and free amino acid dynamic characteristics of fermented pork loin ham with a complex starter[J]. Foods, 2022, 11(10): 1501.

 [13] Hongying Li, Jianping Wu, Jing Wan, Ying Zhou, Qiujin Zhu*. Extraction and identification of bioactive peptides from Panxian dry-cured ham with multifunctional activities. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2022, 160: 113326.

 [14] Chunli Liu, Jing wan, Ying Zhou, Ke Hu, Qiujin Zhu*, Pengyu Tang, Shitao Xu, Li Song.  Proteome profile of glycrol-mediated salt-reduction cured meat reveals the formation mechanism of eating quality.  Food Chemistry, 2022, 382: 132395.  

 [15] Xiao-Hui Gong, Jing wan, Zhou Ye-Ling, Ying Zhou, Qiujin Zhu *, Ling-Gao Liu, Dan Chen, Yan-Pei Huang, Sha Gu, Ming-Ming Li. Mediated curing strategy: An overview of salt reduction for dry-cured meat products. Food Reviews International, 2022, 1-16.



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中国畜产品加工研究会青年工作委员会 委员