发布人:孙权  发布时间:2017-09-13   浏览次数:11280

何腊平:三级教授,博导,发酵工程博士,贵州省百层次人才,贵州大学特岗教授,贵州大学学科学术带头人高级食品安全师。从事食品工业应用微生物、酶工程与技术、植物资源综合利用和预测微生物研究20余年。2020年以来以第一作者/通讯作者发表25SCI论文(其中二区以上 期刊17篇)、2EI3篇国家一级期刊论文,Eliva出版社出版20.5万字专著一部;获授专利23项,其中转让企业4项,转让费50万元;主持完成4项国家自然科学基金(1项面上)1项贵州省优秀科技教育人才省长专项基金、1贵州省重大专项子项目、1项贵州省农业攻关项目、1项黔科和平台人才项目、1项贵州省自然科学基金和1项贵州大学引进人才基金。目前正主持1项贵州省百层次人才项目、1项贵州省农业攻关项目和1项贵州大学2023年“学科倍增提升”行动专项国际影响力提升计划项目。获贵州省科技进步奖三等奖一项(生物酶法制备丁基苯酞与1,3-甘油二酯的研究,2016J-3-23-1)。担任International Journal of Biological MacromoleculesCritical Reviews in Biotechnology、食品科学等多家国际国内权威期刊审稿人、国家自然科学基金项目评审专家、教育部硕博论文评审专家。主讲高级食品微生物学、食品工程原理、食品分析、生物统计学、食品试验设计与统计分析、应用统计学与实验数据分析等本科生、研究生课程。



1Sn-2黑曲霉CCTCC No. M2012538脂肪酶的结构与功能研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目编号:31870002,经费:59.0万元,起止时间2019-01-012022-12-31(主持,已结题)

2Sn-2位选择性黑曲霉CCTCCNo.M2012538脂肪酶水解法高效制备1,3-甘油二酯, 国家自然科学基金,项目编号:31660010,经费:40.0万元,起止时间2017-01-012020-12-31 (主持,已结题)

3)牛干巴的发酵剂制备及产业化研发,黔科合支撑[2016]2580号,经费:30.0万元,2017-01-012019-12-31 (主持,已结题)


5)贵州传统牛干巴的现代化发酵生产技术示范与推广,贵州省科技成果应用及产业化项目,合同编号:黔科合成果[2021]一般 031,经费40万元,起止时间:2021-04-01—2023-03-30(项目技术负责人)

6)食用菌液态发酵葛根薏仁米高值化制备面条技术研究与示范,贵州省农业攻关项目,合同编号:黔科合支撑[2021]一般 142,经费40万元,起止时间:2021-04-01—2023-03-30(项目技术负责人)

7)平菇酵母菌共发酵辅以酶解豆渣制备高值酵香面条及产业化示范,贵州省农业攻关项目,经费46万元,合同编号:黔科合支撑[2021]一般 184(主持人)

8)高纳豆激酶活力的风味豆豉生产技术研究及示范,贵州省农业攻关项目,合同编号:黔科合支撑[2021]一般 278,经费44万元,起止时间:2021-04-01—2023-03-30(项目技术负责人)

9)贵州省重大专项项目“贵州省猪肉特色制品深加工关键技术研究及产业化示范”之子项目五“猪血发酵蛋白饲料的开发及其工程化”,黔科合重大专项字[2015]6004-5号,经费20万元,2016-01-01 2018-12-31(主持,已结题)


11)非水相介质中微生物脂肪酶法高选择性合成13甘油二脂的研究,国家自然科学基金,项目编号:21062004 ,经费:26.0万元。(主持,已结题)


13)降胆固醇益生菌在马铃薯蓝莓酸奶应用中的研究,黔科合支撑[2019]2382号,经费:30.0万元,2019-01-012021-12-31 (技术负责人)



(16) 贵州省高层次创新型人才:“百”层次,黔科合平台人才-GCC[2022]026-160万元,2022.07-2025.07. (主持)

(17) 贵州大学2023年“学科倍增提升”行动专项国际影响力提升计划项目


(1)Wang C, Song X, Li C, He L*, Wang X, Zeng X. Mixed fermentation with Lactobacillus plantarum, Bifidobacterimicrom animalis subsp. lactis and Candida utilis improves the fermentation quality of Hong Suan Tang. Food Chemistry 2023, 402: 134488. SCI一区,IF9.231

(2)Lu M, Gao Z, Xing S, Long J, Li C, He L*, et al. Purification, characterization, and chemical modification of Bacillus velezensis SN-14 fibrinolytic enzyme. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2021, 177: 601-609SCI一区,IF8.025

(3) Wang C, Zhang Q, He L*, Li C. Determination of the microbial communities of Guizhou Suantang, a traditional Chinese fermented sour soup, and correlation between the identified microorganisms and volatile compounds. Food Research International 2020, 138(Pt B): 109820. SCI一区,IF7.425

4Wang C, Liu H, He L*, Li C. Determination of bacterial community and its correlation to volatile compounds in Guizhou Niuganba, a traditional Chinese fermented dry-cured beef. LWT - Food Science and Technology 2022, 161: 113380. SCI一区,IF6.056

(5) Zheng S, He Z, He L*, Li C, Tao H, Wang X, et al. Influence of adding Perilla seed oil on potato blueberry yogurt quality during storage at 4 °C. LWT - Food Science and Technology 2022, 168: 113921. SCI一区,IF6.056

(6) Chen X, He Z, He L*, Li C, Tao H, Wang X, et al. Effects of perilla seed oil addition on the physicochemical properties, sensory, and volatile compounds of potato blueberry flavored yogurt and its shelf-life prediction. LWT - Food Science and Technology 2023, 173: 114383. SCI一区,IF6.056

(7) Ran M, Chen C, Li C, He L*, Zeng XEffects of replacing fat with Perilla seed on the characteristics of meatballs, Meat Science 2020, 161: 107995SCI一区,IF7.077

(8) Zhu R, Li C, Chen C, Xing S, Cai Y, Zeng X, He L*. Effect of cross-linked enzyme aggregate strategy on characterization of sn-1,3 extracellular lipase from Aspergillus niger GZUF36. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2021, 105(5): 1925-1941. SCI二区,IF5.560

(9) Liu F, Wang C, Li C, He L*, Wang X, Zeng XDai Y. Effects of process parameters on the quality of suantang beefFoods 2022, 11, 3585. SCI二区,IF5.561

(10) Li C, Zhang Q, Wang C, He L*, Tao H, Zeng X, et al. Effect of starters on quality characteristics of hongsuantang, a chinese traditional sour soup. Fermentation 2022, 8(11): 589. SCI二区,IF5.123

(11) Li M, He Z, He L*, Li C, Tao H, Ye C, et al. Effect of fermentation parameters on the anthocyanin content, sensory properties, and physicochemical parameters of potato blueberry yogurt. Fermentation 2022, 8(10): 489SCI二区,IF5.123

(12) Lu Y, Xing S, He L*, Li C, Wang X, Zeng X, et al. Characterization, high-density fermentation, and the production of a directed vat set starter of Lactobacilli used in the food industry: A review. Foods 2022, 11(19): 3603. SCI二区,IF5.561

(13) Zhang Q, Lan G, Tian X, He L*, Li C, Tao H, et al. Effect of adding Bifidobacterium animalis BZ25 on the flavor, functional components and biogenic amines of natto by Bacillus subtilis GUTU09. Foods 2022, 11(17): 2647. SCI二区,IF5.561

(14) Li C, He L*, Hu Y, Liu H, Wang X, Chen L, et al. Dimensional analysis model predicting the number of food microorganisms. Frontiers in Microbiology 2022, 13: 820539. SCI二区,IF6.064

(15) Xing S, Zhu R, Cheng K, Cai Y, Hu Y, Li C, He L*. Gene expression, biochemical characterization of a sn-1, 3 extracellular lipase from Aspergillus niger GZUF36 and its model-structure analysis. Frontiers in Microbiology 2021, 12: 633489. SCI二区,IF6.064

(16) Yang Y, Lan G, Tian X, He L*, Li C, Zeng X, et al. Effect of fermentation parameters on natto and its thrombolytic property. Foods 2021, 10(11): 2547. SCI二区,IF5.561

(17) Yangyang Cai, Shuqi Xing, Qifeng Zhang, Ruonan Zhu, Kai Cheng, Cuiqin Li, Xuefeng Zeng, Laping He*. Expression, purification, properties, and substrate specificity analysis of Aspergillus niger GZUF36 lipase in Escherichia coli. Process Biochemistry 111 (2021), 118–127. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procbio.2021.09.002

(18) Xueyi TianHanyu LiuXiao WangCuiqin LiLaping He*Xuefeng Zeng

Using combined optimization and vacuum freeze drying technology to prepare directed vat set starter for “Niuganba”a fermented beefJ Food Process Preserv2021459), e15694https://doi.org/10.1111/jfpp.15694

(19) Shuqi Xing, Ruonan Zhu, Cuiqin Li, Laping He*, Xuefeng Zeng, Qing ZhangGene cloning, expression, purification and characterization of a sn-1,3 extracellular lipase from Aspergillus niger GZUF36Journal of Food Science and Technology202057(7):2669–2680https://doi.org/10.1007/s13197-020-04303-x

(20) Guangqun Lan, Cuiqin Li, Laping He*, Xuefeng Zeng, Qiujin Zhu. Effects of different strains and fermentation method on nattokinase activity, biogenic amines, and sensory characteristics of natto, Journal of Food Science and Technology202057(12):4414-4423https://doi.org/10.1007/s13197-020-04478-3

(21) Zuyan He, Jia Zheng, Laping He*, Cuiqin Li, Penggang Hu*, Han Tao*, Xiao Wang. Evaluation of the effect of essential oil addition on the quality parameters and predicted shelf life of potato yogurtJournal of Food Protection, 2021, 84(6): 1069–1079. doi: 10.4315/JFP-20-391

(22) Jia Long,  Xin Zhang,Zexin Gao, Yun Yang, Xueyi Tian, Mingyuan Lu, Laping He*,Cuiqin Li,Xuefeng Zeng,Isolation of Bacillus spp. with high fibrinolytic activity and performance evaluation in fermented douchi, Journal of Food Protection, 2021, 84(4): 717–727. doi: 10.4315/JFP-20-307

(23)Miao Ran, Laping He*, Cuiqin Li, Qiujin Zhu, Xuefeng Zeng. Quality changes and shelf life prediction of cooked cured ham stored at different temperatures, Journal of Food Protection, 2021, 847): 1252–1264DOI: 10.4315/jfp-20-374

(24) Qing Zhang, Xiaojuan Song, Wenlin Sun, Chan Wang, Cuiqin Li, Laping He*, Xiao Wang, Han Tao, Xuefeng Zeng, Evaluation and application of different cholesterol-lowering lactic acid bacteria as potential meat starters, Journal of Food Protection,2021,84(1):63-72 DOI: https://doi.org/10.4315/jfp-20-225.

(25) Xin Zhang, Yao Shuai, Han Tao, Cuiqin Li,* and Laping He*. Novel Method for the Quantitative Analysis of Protease Activity: The Casein Plate Method and Its Applications, ACS Omega 2021, 6, 5, 3675–680, https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.0c05192


27)冯伦元,何腊平*,李翠芹,张宏文,邢书奇,陈翠翠.贵州传统发酵豆制品中水解银杏黄酮苷的微生物β-葡萄糖苷酶筛选,微生物学报,2020, 60(2): 320–332 https://doi.org/10.13343/j.cnki.wsxb.20190153.

28)冉渺,何腊平*,朱秋劲, 西式熏煮火腿在不同贮藏温度下细菌多样性和挥发性风味化合物分析, 食品科学,2021, 42(9)169-176


1)何腊平高泽鑫李翠芹. 一种产纳豆激酶贝莱斯芽孢杆菌菌株及其应用, ZL201710279437.7,2020/5/22(授权时间)

2He, Laping; Li, Cuiqin; Ran, Miao; Liu, Hanyu; Zheng, Jia. Method for predicting food microorganism and shelf life by dimensional analysis and Pi theorem, Australia patent, AU 2020102572,申请日2020.10.02,授权日2020.11.04

3)何腊平,刘亚兵,李翠芹,邓力,朱秋劲 ,曾雪峰. 一种通过量纲规划模型预测食品微生物的方法,申请号:ZL201810949548.9, 2021.09.07授权

4)何腊平, 陈翠翠, 李翠芹, Sn-2选择性胞外脂肪酶用培养基及其使用方法, 专利号ZL201710801140.2

5)何腊平, 周换景, 王欢, 李翠芹, 胞内脂肪酶产生菌及其应用及筛选方法及使用方法,专利号 ZL201310183968.82016.03.16授权

6)何腊平, 张玲, 一株香猪源性降胆固醇、耐氧双歧杆菌BZ25, 专利号: ZL201510018130.22017.11.14授权(已转让)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局

7)何腊平, 张玲, 一株香猪源性降胆固醇、耐氧双歧杆菌BZ11, 专利号: ZL201510018144.42017.12.08授权(已转让)

8)何腊平;陈昌勇;李翠芹. 一种紫苏籽猪肉丸及其制备方法, 专利号:ZL201510258274.52018.09.21授权

9)何腊平,宋小娟,李翠芹, 一株降胆固醇、降亚硝酸盐的类植物乳杆菌及其筛选方法, 专利号: ZL201610167712.12018.9.21授权(已转让)

10)何腊平, 薛荣涛, 李翠芹,一株水解米渣的蛋白酶产生菌——枯草芽孢杆菌及其筛选与使用方法,专利号: ZL 201410474539.02019.05.17授权

11)何腊平,宋小娟,李翠芹, 一株降胆固醇、降亚硝酸盐的戊糖乳杆菌及其筛选方法, 专利号:  ZL201610168004.X 20190705年授权(已转让)

12)何腊平,张明赞,李翠芹,张义明, 一株水解猪血的蛋白酶产生菌——解淀粉芽孢杆菌及其筛选与使用方法,专利号: ZL201610215660.02019.08.23授权

13)何腊平, 薛荣涛, 李翠芹, 一株水解米渣的蛋白酶产生菌——解淀粉芽孢杆菌及其筛选与使用方法,专利号: ZL201410475311.32019.09.16授权

14)何腊平,朱啟会,李翠芹,张明赞. 用解淀粉芽孢杆菌GUHP86提高猪血蛋白水解度的方法, 专利号: ZL201610527775.3 , 2019.10.01授权

15)何腊平,熊江,李翠芹,王猛. 耐氧驯化动物双歧杆菌乳亚种BZ11的高密度发酵方法,申请号:  ZL201610527772.X2019.11.12授权

16)何腊平,冯仑元,李翠芹. 一株高产β-葡萄糖苷酶和纳豆激酶的枯草芽孢杆菌GZU03及应用方法,申请号: ZL201811650846.4

17)何腊平,冯仑元,李翠芹.  一株产纳豆激酶和β-葡萄糖苷酶解淀粉芽孢杆菌GZU05及其应用方法,专利号: ZL201910025309.9


19)何腊平; 程凯 ;陶菡; 产蛋白酶和纳豆激酶的枯草芽孢杆菌B-01制剂及其应用方法,申请号 : ZL201910103501.52022902授权

20)何腊平;陈昌勇;李翠芹. 一种紫苏籽猪肉丸及其制备方法, 专利号:ZL201510258274202211月授权

21)何腊平 ; 兰光群 ; 李翠芹 ; 杨运 ; 黄露 ;产多种酶类的解淀粉芽孢杆菌菌株GUTU06及其筛选方法,申请号 : ZL201910484374.8

22)何腊平; 张宏文 ; 邓力 ; 李翠芹. 基于量纲分析的油炒烹饪中表面换热系数的预测方法, 申请号 : ZL201811576614.9,2023年授权。

23何腊平, 周换景, 李翠芹, 张义明, 选择性合成1,3-甘油二酯的黑曲霉的发酵生产培养基及培养方法,专利号:  ZL201310324471.32015.11.11授权。


Laping He, Development and Application for Excellent Characteristic Microorganisms and Predictive Microorganism Model

ISBN9789994985012, Amazon.com: Books  https://www.amazon.com/dp/9994985019Publisher  :  Eliva Press (December 27, 2022)


何腊平, 李翠芹, 王欢, 周换景, 夏朝双, 生物酶法制备丁基苯酞和1,3-甘油二酯的研究, 贵州省科技进步三等奖, 2017, 证书编号, 2016J-3-23